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It's me again

I know...I am hugely inconsistent when it comes to blogging...which can't bode well for me or my readers. And I know I would be really a...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back to Life

We finally got Internet in the apartment, which means I can get back to blogging.  Just in case you all noticed I have been missing for almost a month.

So much has happened in a month.  On Sunday my little Bengie will be one month old.  One month...I am a mother of a one month old.  I can hardly believe it.  As I type this my little guy is sleeping.  He rarely sleeps for more than 2 hours at a time and he's always ready to eat.

I spend most days getting up at 11am, only  because the hubby takes the baby in the am once he is fed and will cuddle with him and change the diapers.  Then Ben and I spend the rest of the day together, once Hubby goes to work at noon...lately we have been going for walks so that we can get some fresh air and some exercise.  During the day my little guy eats every two hours.  Since at about 2 weeks he has had 2 wake periods one in the late morning and one in the evening...I love his wake periods...he just looks around and has found his hands so when he doesn't have mitts on he sucks on his fingers.  The other day he was sucking his thumb which was cute but still not something I am endorsing...

So the last month has been crazy to say the least.  The first two weeks I didn't go anywhere because it was too overwhelming to get the baby all packed up and head out by myself.  However, starting week 3 I tried to leave the house at least 2 days a week for my own sanity whether it was to meet a friend or just to get some fresh air and that has been very helpful.  I have learned the knack at leaving during his nap time and being back in 3 hrs when he will be ready to eat again. 

No one could have prepared me for what having my newborn was like but I must say it's rewarding when he looks at me and it's wonderful to see his beautiful gas smiles.  And the last few weeks my mother comes in town for a day or two to help with laundry and cooking, which has been a life saver.

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