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It's me again

I know...I am hugely inconsistent when it comes to blogging...which can't bode well for me or my readers. And I know I would be really a...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sick day

Today I had to stay home with the wee one.  Apparently the daycare that never has sick kids has one...and my son got the cold.  I took his temp and it's a little below normal but he was very congested all night and has been eating and sleeping all day.  This morning after being up off and on all night we finally decided to keep him home.  My husband is home tomorrow so today is my day to stay home with Ben. I wasn't really upset about that, I was tired from being up all night and I want to be the one to stay home with our sick son or at least have that option.  So I stayed home even though I know I have tons of things to do at work and a deadline for financial statements of Wednesday ( tomorrow). 

Tomorrow we have a doctor's appointment so we will see what the doctor says to do which I a sure is nothing but keep him warm and his nasal passage clear.  He hasn't been to fussy, just a bit clingy.  All he's done all day is eat and sleep. In fact he is asleep as I type.  I tried to put him on his tummy during one of his awake period and with in 5 mins he was back to sleep.  I guess he has learned the easy way out of tummy time is to lay on his tummy and sleep or relax...

Hopefully he gets better soon, I am missing the awake periods because he has become so interactive but also when he's sick the naps are short and sporadic which don't give me much time to do little projects...oh well...anything to be home with my baby.

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