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I know...I am hugely inconsistent when it comes to blogging...which can't bode well for me or my readers. And I know I would be really a...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

20wks 2 dys - Sleeper Cell

So apparently my Jelly Bean is not a morning coffee bean...

He/she solidified that today during my second ultrasound.

I like to go to my appointments before work because the location of the hospital is literally 2 mins from my house, and if it wasn't raining today and I wasn't running late...I would have walked the 10 mins it would have taken me to get there...
But surprisingly (or not since I am always running late) it was raining and I was running late.

I get in the ultrasound room and the tech comes in, there I am in total anticpation to see my little Jelly Bean, at 20 weeks. Hoping he/she is awake and kicking. When I went to my nephew's 18 week ultrasound he was all astir giving us the thumbs up and showing his weiner to anyone that dared to peek inside my sister's belly...but I digress.

My Jelly bean was nothing like it's cousin, it was curled up in a corner of my womb, one leg over it's head and one under it's butt fast asleep. The advantage to the legs being apart is that I could see the sex. But I didn't because I like anticpation and surprises and besides hubby is still away at work and I wanted us to find out togehter. So the nice lady tech wrote it on a piece of paper and sealed the result in an envelope, almost felt like I was on the Maury Povich show but without the drama.

So we looked around at what she could see which wasn't much since the bean was all balled up. We did she the little heart beat...beating at a normal rate. After sometime of nothing much the tech suggested I walk around a bit and try to wake my sleeping bundle ...I did and it worked in that the baby was still sleeping but streched out, only this time with it's legs under the body. We did get a few kicks, which was probably a message that we should mind out business because the bean was sleeping. And the toes twitched a few times which is something the jelly bean gets from it's Daddy because he twitches in his sleep. Sigh...so the tech wasn't able to see all the measurements she needed. It was even worse when the doctor tried to take a look around, the jelly bean decided to lie on it's belly and pull up it's legs.

So in the end, they need more measurements, I have to go in to get another ultrasound in 4 weeks. And I have learned my lesson, we will go later in the day closer to play time when the jelly bean should be fully awake.

The Jelly Bean's Debut:

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