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It's me again

I know...I am hugely inconsistent when it comes to blogging...which can't bode well for me or my readers. And I know I would be really a...

Monday, September 13, 2010

37 wks 2 days

How far along?: 37 weeks 2 days

•Weight: I haven't a clue...at this point I know I will need to be very careful nutrition wise after the bean so I will just focus on being as good as possible now and not worry about the weight.

•How big is baby?: Jelly bean, is getting big based on the size of my belly and the lack of kicking...now there is more movement and less punching and kicking.

•Maternity clothes?: Still in maternity bottoms, especially pants, I wear a lot of regular sized tops and dresses in one size up or tube top dresses and throw a little sweater over them...so far not bad.

•Stretch marks?: definitely...I blame my genes and my cravings but too late to do anything about them now...so I will not worry about it.

•Sleep?: It doesn't feel like I have been getting much sleep lately. I have been going to bed early which is good but I start tossing and turning which means that my sleep has not been as sound...not to mention getting up every 2 hrs to pee...sigh...sleep is becoming a bit of a challenge.

•Food cravings?: water, buffalo wings, soft serve.

•Labor signs?: definitely been having braxton hicks contractions...last doctor's office showed that from previous appointment a week before I had made serious progress...so I am definitely contracting.

•Belly button in or out?: Still in...

•What I miss: today...I miss exercising my cares away...and my family in a different state
•What I'm looking forward to: Having a home.

•What I am not looking forward to: the sleepless nights that come with breastfeeding every hour...sigh.

•Milestone: 37 weeks...means my little guy is full-term...he can come anyday now and be fine...not to mention...I am a few steps away from having a complete diaper bag...which is a big step...LOL

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