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It's me again

I know...I am hugely inconsistent when it comes to blogging...which can't bode well for me or my readers. And I know I would be really a...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ah...mama said there would be days like this

Hubby as been working all weekend...which is fine, as of late he has been working the night shift so when he gets home he hangs around and then naps. And I usually just go back to sleep while he's napping...However, today, he had to work until noon so a 12 hour shift. I figure once he got home he would want to sleep but nope he wanted to do the things we had on our list of things to do, which was basically go by a house and trade in his car.

Turns out the dealership was closed, so we ended up driving 30 mins for nothing...Then we went into the car issue once again.

The car issue...both hubby and I have cars but mine is coupe which really doesn't work for me with a car seat. Hubby's car is older but four doors but it has it's own issues like the finicky heater, which is a really problem living up North. So we want to trade in hubby's car for a newer one or one that is more dependable. However, I refuse to finance a car since we really need to get the house first and hubby is worried that if he doesn't trade in his car we will end up with only one car which really doesn't work for him...le sigh...I am so over the car issue.

So after heading back towards the MIL house... I decided I didn't want to go back the MIL because hubby would be sleeping and kids were at a picnic...so I drove and drove...I was trying to find a movie theater on MIL's side of town...well I guess I turned the wrong way because before I new it I had driven 20 miles to a completely different town... I was tempted 10 miles in to turn around but the truth is I was enjoying the freedom and today is a beautiful day so I figured I would just go with the flow...I know that in a month there will be no joy rides and going with the flow.
I end up in a cute town and found a movie theater but decided to hit up the Marshalls instead and found a few baby things...it was good...and it allowed hubby the space he needed and the ability to sleep.

On days like today though i really miss jogging...Used to be that if I was really fustrated and needed to clear my mind I would get on a treadmill or a track/trail and just walk or run until I had cleared my head. I would admit...I didn't do it too often but having the ability to do it was nice...I know I will hate working out once I am able to start again but for now I miss it.

So in an ode to stress relieving workouts...there a is contest on DC Rainmakers for a Garmin Forerunner 310XT. I would love to have one of those once I start back my exercise regimen and running so I entered...

All in all it's been a quiet weekend...

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